2024-2025 Student Handbook

2024-2025 Student Handbook


Middle School Entrance & Exit is at the gate on Francis Lewis Boulevard between the small and large playgrounds. 

High School Entrance & Exit is through the main doors on 192nd Street. Late middle school students are also admitted through this main entrance.

Parents and guardians should avoid double parking on the streets near the school. Please make arrangements to drop-off or pick-up your child at least one block away from the building. 

All students swipe into the computerized CAASS system with their ID Cards when they arrive at school. Students swipe out if they leave school before the end of the day for doctor’s appointments, if they are ill, or are seniors with early release.

Students may not bring in cups of hot beverages from Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, 7-11, etc. Breakfast is served from 7:30 AM - 7:50 AM in the auditorium. All food must be consumed in the auditorium. No food is to be brought into classrooms. Outside drinks must be consumed or thrown away by 8:05 AM.

Students must arrive wearing their school uniform before entering the building. 

Students are expected to be in their seats when the first period bell rings. Repeated tardiness will culminate in phone calls and meetings with parents/guardians and possible detention. 

Students are expected to clear the area in front of the school and the corners near the school promptly at the conclusion of the school day. WJPS students are expected to be mindful of other members of the community, avoid loitering and/or impeding pedestrian traffic on the sidewalks in the immediate neighborhood as this poses a possible danger to themselves or others. Students are required to adhere to instructions from WJPS staff and school safety officers at all times regarding dismissal. 


Attendance is essential to academic success. If a student is ill and cannot attend school, please call the main office at 718-461-2219 to let us know.  When the child returns to school please have them bring a note to the main office that explains the absence. An automated phone call is made to parents/guardians when a student is absent.  Whether an absence is due to sickness, family obligation, or other legitimate reason, it is still considered an absence according to DOE policy. An explained absence is still an absence and will appear on student attendance records.

Unexplained and excessive absences may result in failure to meet promotional criteria. Keep in mind that attendance is taken on a period by period basis and lack of attendance in a class can negatively impact your grade and opportunity for credit. 

Appointments that are scheduled for students during the school day, take away from instructional time and are not encouraged. Parents/guardians are encouraged to make appointments for after-school hours or during weekends/days off.  When taking a student out of school during the day, a parent/guardian or designated person from the Emergency Contact Card must come to the Main Office to sign out the child.  

Vacations outside designated DOE holidays during the school year are not advised and can impact student progress.


Doors Open for Breakfast & Arrival: 7:30 am

Period 1: 8:05 am - 8:51 am

Period 2: 8:53 am - 9:40 am

Period 3: 9:42 am - 10:28 am

Period 4: 10:30 am - 11:16 am (Middle School Lunch)

Period 5: 11:18 am - 12:04 pm

Period 6: 12:06 pm - 12:52 pm

Period 7: 12:54 pm - 1:39 pm (High School Lunch)

Period 8: 1:41 pm - 2:25 pm


Every student is given two Emergency Contact Cards to complete. As the name indicates, this card is essential and helps us contact someone in the event of an emergency (i.e. illness, injury, etc.). Please be mindful of the following points when completing your child’s Emergency Contact Cards: 

  • The Emergency Contact Cards must be filled out completely, front and back. 
  • This information must be accurate and up-to-date. Any new information, such as a change in guardianship, is to be accompanied with the appropriate paperwork/court order, etc. 
  • Students will not be released to the care of any adult unless their name is listed on the Emergency Contact Card. 
  • Only designated adults 18 years or older can sign out a student (if they are on the emergency contact card) and proper identification is mandatory. WJPS staff members may not be listed on emergency contact cards.
  • Written correspondence (i.e. email, letter or fax) is not acceptable as authorization to sign out a student. 
  • Parents must indicate any special medical condition or need on the Emergency Contact Cards. Appropriate paperwork must accompany this request – i.e. 504/Medical Form. 
  • Please make sure to include several telephone numbers and email where you can be reached. 
  • When providing names of people to whom the school can contact in the event of an emergency, be sure to include individuals who are within close proximity to the school and are available to come to pick up your child during the course of the school day. 
  • If you move, the school must be notified immediately.  Please submit proof of address to the Pupil Accounting Secretary in the Main Office, and you will be asked to submit an updated Emergency Contact Card. 


As per Chancellor's Regulation A-413, students may bring cellphones to school, but they may not be turned on or used at school. All cell phones should be stored in a student's locker with the ringer off. This policy is often referred to as, “off and away throughout the day”. If a student uses their cell phone in class or in the hallway, the phone will be confiscated by school staff and held in a safe place. 

Students who refuse to give up phones in this circumstance will be referred to the dean and/or administration. Failure to comply with this can result in alternative phone procedures including phone confiscation upon arrival into the building.

  • Phones will be confiscated if seen at any other point in time or place between 8:05 and 2:25. 
  • Confiscated phones will only be returned to parents or guardians of the student to whom the phone belongs.
  • Under no circumstances will phones be returned to any one except a parent or guardian.
  • Confiscated phones will be secured until they are returned to a parent or guardian during school hours of 7:30AM - 3:00PM.
  • There may be additional consequences issued to those students who have multiple violations of this policy.


As listed above, personal listening devices including air-pods, ear pods, and headphones are not to be worn during the school day. These objects are also subject to confiscation.


College Readiness is a process that develops the skills and personal behaviors that students need to complete for enrollment, persistence, and success in college and careers. WJPS provides college readiness preparation for middle and high school students through a vigorous curriculum, College and Career classes, Town Hall meetings, and Road to College workshops. 

College Readiness Academic Achievements: 

Score 75+ on the ELA Regents Exam (or score a 480 on SAT Verbal or 20 on ACT English) and 

Score 70+ on a Math Common Core Regents Exam (or score a 500 on SAT Math or 20 on ACT Math) and Passing an Algebra II/Trigonometry class 

Students who score below a 75 on the ELA Regents exam or 70 for a Math Common Core Regents exam are expected to retake the exam. 

Other methods to demonstrate College Readiness: 

Score 3+ on any Advanced Placement (AP) exam 

Earn a grade of “C” or higher in a college credit bearing course such as “College Now” or “Early College” 

College Readiness Personal Behaviors: 

  • Persistence supports long-term commitment to educational goals through a positive mindset and self-efficacy. 
  • Engagement in school can increase a student’s connection to the community and self-confidence. 
  • Strong work habits and organizational skills carry over into successful college and career attainment. 
  • Communication and collaboration skills are essential life skills. 
  • Self-Regulation is important to resiliency. Students must develop coping skills, self-control and confidence to work through challenges. 


Per New York City Department of Education policy, middle and high school students must meet promotion/graduation requirements in order to participate in a moving up or graduation ceremony. A student who is already on suspension at the time of moving up or graduation related activities may be prohibited from attending if he or she poses a threat of violence or disruption to the event. It is also possible to bar a student from a moving up or graduation activity when his or her conduct has been particularly egregious, and where the student and family has previously been advised. Students with a pattern of severely disruptive and/or unsafe behavior can be barred from events.


Field trips are rewarding educational experiences, therefore students who have signed permission slips for field trips will participate in all grade field trips.

If students have repeated or significant discipline issues, they can be removed from extracurricular activities, programs, and school trips. Students are responsible for maintaining proper discipline and behavior.


Parents are discouraged from calling or texting their student during the school day. Families should make every effort to confirm plans before the school day starts. If this is not possible, parents/guardians should contact the school to reach their children. In cases of emergency, please call the school office at 718-461-2219 to leave a message for your child. We will make every effort to give the message to your child. Please do not call your child on their cell phone. Unauthorized use of a cell phone will result in it being confiscated. Students should use the main office to phone home.

Email is the best way to communicate with faculty and staff.  They can be emailed through the school website at www.wjps.org or through NYCSA.  If you call the school, please leave the best phone number at which to call you back, and the best time of day. 


At WJPS, students are expected to practice the characteristics of positive Digital Citizenship. According to the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), Digital Citizenship means: 

Students understand human, cultural and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. Students: 

  • advocate and practice safe, legal and responsible use of information and technology 
  • exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning and productivity 
  • demonstrate personal responsibility for learning 
  • exhibit leadership for digital citizenship by setting a positive example for others 


World Journalism Preparatory School follows the New York City Department of Education’s Citywide Standards of Intervention and Discipline Measures (the Discipline Code) and Chancellor’s Regulations. At the start of the school year, students are given a copy of the Discipline Code to take home. Additional copies are available from the New York City Department of Education’s website at https://www.schools.nyc.gov/school-life/know-your-rights/discipline-code


  • If a student has a visible cell phone, headphones, airpods, or non-DOE issued electronic device, a staff member will ask for the device and turn it into administration. Failure to comply can result in disciplinary action. 
  • When an item is confiscated, it will be labeled and secured in room 332. 
  • If a student chooses to bring an electronic device to school and it is lost or stolen, the school will not be responsible for loss or damage, nor will we safeguard the item or investigate its loss. 


Electronic mail is a tool used by World Journalism Preparatory School (WJPS) to complement traditional methods of communication and to improve education and administrative efficiency.  Teachers and administrators use email to communicate with students and for official notices.  Students are expected to use their email accounts according to professional standards, good manners and common sense. 

User Responsibility:  Students are required to check this account daily, and they are accountable for all communications from teachers and administrators that are sent to their NYC DOE email accounts.  Students may not opt out of school emails. 

Sharing of passwords is strictly prohibited.  Each student is responsible for their account, including the safeguarding of access to the account.  All email originating from an account is deemed to be authored by the account holder, and it is the responsibility of that holder to ensure compliance with these guidelines. 

Privacy:  The NYCDOE owns all email accounts and all data transmitted or stored using nycstudents.net email accounts.  While WJPS attempts to keep email messages secure, privacy is not guaranteed and users should have no general expectation of privacy in email messages sent through their nycstudents.net email.  Under certain circumstances, it may be necessary for appropriate school officials to access email files to investigate security or abuse incidents or violations of WJPS school policies.  Such access will be on an “as needed” basis and any email accessed will be disclosed only to those individuals with a need-to-know, or as required by law. 


Grading policies and procedures are an important component of a school’s instructional program. A meaningful grading policy should encourage students to be active and self-aware learners. We believe that grades should be determined from multiple measures which allow students to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in a variety of ways. The WJPS motto “Don’t stop until you’re proud” reflects our belief in a growth mindset--that effort leads to achievement and success can be developed with persistence. Grades are based on mastery of standards-based assessments, and teachers give authentic and candid feedback on their progress toward mastering learning objectives. Students and families are encouraged to check progress online at TeachHub/NYCSA.

WJPS grading policy is aligned by grade in the middle school and by subject area in the high school.

Middle School Grading Categories and Percentages

Assessments including Projects and Tests: 50%

Homework: 20%

Labs/Engagement/Classwork: 30%

High School Grading Categories and Percentages

Note that Advanced Placement grading policies differ from general departmental grading policies as they align to College Board standards. AP grading policies are shared with students and families by the teacher of the course.


Projects/Papers/Exams: 35%

Classwork: 30%

Quick Assessments: 20%

Homework: 15%


Class Assessments: 50%

Preparedness/Homework: 25%

Engagement/Participation: 25%


Assessments: 50%

Engagement/Labs: 30%

Homework/Projects: 20%

Social Studies

Participation/Preparedness: 20%

Essays/Projects/Exams: 60%

Homework/Activities: 20%

Physical Education

Engagement: 30%

Skill Assessment: 35%

Social Responsibility: 25%

Quizzes: 10%


Summative Projects: 50%

Formative Assessments: 30%

Participation & Homework: 20%

Grades - Numeric grades will be provided for each course. WJPS adheres to a standards-based mastery learning philosophy. Final grades are awarded on a traditional 100-point scale. A grade of 65 or higher is needed to pass a course. The lowest grade awarded is a 55. Parents can call their child’s guidance counselor for more information. 

Submission of Late Work - To receive full credit, coursework (classwork, homework, projects) must be handed in in a timely manner as outlined by the classroom teacher. Late work will be accepted but will not receive full credit. Assignments that are handed in late due to an excused absence will not have points deducted. Only in extreme cases supported with hardship or medical documentation will work be accepted beyond the end date of the marking period. At WJPS, classroom learning is active and experiential. Therefore, missing class means missing the learning experience, which cannot be recreated. 

Incompletes: Students may be given a grade of incomplete (‘NX’) if a student has a documented extreme extenuating circumstance that prevents him/her from completing the course in its established timeframe. A student who receives an incomplete must successfully complete remaining course requirements following the termination of the course in order to receive a final grade and credit, as applicable. “‘NX’ does not have a pass/fail or a numeric equivalent.

New or Recently Admitted Students: Students who enroll in a course after it has started may have missed assignments or assessments needed to generate a complete course grade for a given marking period. These students may be given a grade of ‘NL’ to indicate this. ‘NL’ does not have a pass/fail or numeric equivalent. Students who receive a mark of ‘NL’ must successfully complete remaining course requirements by the end of the term following the termination of the course in order to receive a final grade and credit, as applicable.

Academic honesty policy: Students must cite all sources whether it be paraphrased or directly quoted. Failure to cite and/or cheating/plagiarism will result in no credit for that assignment. Please refer to the NYC Department of Education Citywide Behavioral Expectations: B-31.

Progress Reports/Report Cards/Transcripts: Students are sent home with progress reports and report cards. These grades are available within Teachhub. High School students receive full transcripts in June.


Students are issued photo ID Cards that are used to swipe in when they arrive in the morning or to swipe out if they leave before the end of the day. ID Cards are also used to swipe for lunch in the cafeteria.  Replacement ID Cards cost $5.00, payable to Mr. Solimando in room 336. Students then take their payment receipt to Mr. Myrtil in room 334, and he creates the new ID Card.


A) Personal Safety Violations for Students 

  1. Student users will not post or transmit photographs or personal contact information about themselves or other people without prior written parental consent from the parent of the student whose information is being posted.  Such consent must be delivered to the child’s teacher or principal.  Personal contact information includes, but is not limited to: home address, telephone number, birth date, school name, school address and classroom. 
  2. Student users will not agree to meet with someone they have met online without their parent’s approval and participation. 
  3. Student users will promptly disclose to their teacher or other school employee any message they receive that is inappropriate or makes them feel uncomfortable. 

B) Illegal Activities 

  1. Users shall not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Department of Education or WJPS system or to any other computer system through the Department of Education or WJPS system, or go beyond their authorized access.  This prohibition includes intentionally seeking information about passwords belonging to other users, modifying passwords belonging to other users, or attempting to log in through another person’s account. 
  2. Users shall not attempt to subvert network security, impair the functionality of the network or bypass restrictions set by network administrators.  Users are also prohibited from destroying data by spreading computer viruses or vandalizing data, software or equipment. Users are prohibited from accessing any non-school wireless networks. 
  3. Users shall not use the Department of Education or WJPS system to engage in any other illegal activity, threatening the safety of a person, etc. 

C) System Security Violations 

  1. Users are responsible for the use of their individual account if applicable and should take all reasonable precautions to prevent others from being able to use their account. Under no conditions should a user provide their password to another person, except to supervisors and/or teachers who may require users to provide their passwords. 
  2. Student users will immediately notify a teacher if they identify a possible security problem (such as disclosure of their password to another person) and other users will immediately notify the system administrator. 

D) Inappropriate Language 

  1. Restrictions against inappropriate language apply to public messages, private messages, and material posted on Web pages. 
  2. Users will not use obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory, threatening, abusive or disrespectful language. 
  3. Users will not post information that could interfere with the educational process or cause a danger or disruption in the educational environment. 
  4. Users will not engage in personal attacks, including prejudicial or discriminatory attacks 
  5. Users will not harass another person.  Harassment is persistently acting in a manner that distresses or annoys another person. 
  6. Users will not knowingly or recklessly post false or defamatory information about a person or organization. 
  7. Users should not post private information about another person. 

E) Respecting Resource Limits 

  1. Users will use the system only for educational and professional activities. 
  2. Users will not download large files without permission.  If necessary, users will download the file at a time when the system is not being heavily used and immediately remove the file from the system computer to their personal computer or USB drive. 

F) Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement 

  1. Users will not plagiarize works that they find on the Internet.  Plagiarism is taking the ideas or writings of others and presenting them as if they were original to the user. 
  2. Users will respect the rights of copyright owners and not infringe on those rights. Copyright infringement occurs when an individual inappropriately reproduces a work that is protected by a copyright. If a work contains language that specifies acceptable use of that work, the user should follow the expressed requirements. If the user is unsure whether or not they can use a work, they should request permission from the copyright owner. 

G) Access to Inappropriate Material 

  1. Users will not use the Department of Education or WJPS system to access material that is profane or obscene (e.g. pornography), that advocates illegal or dangerous acts, or that advocates violence or discrimination towards others (e.g. hate literature).  For students, a special exception may be made if the purpose is to conduct research and is approved in writing by both the teacher and the parent.  Department employees may access the above material only in the context of legitimate research expressly approved in writing by the employee’s supervisor. 
  2. If users inadvertently access such information, they should immediately disclose the inadvertent access to the Principal so that the website URL may be blocked in the future.  This will protect users against an allegation they have intentionally violated the Internet Acceptable Use Policy. 


 Individual lockers are provided for all students. Students must lock their lockers at all times. If a student does not lock their locker, the school will not be responsible for loss or damage, nor will we safeguard items or investigate their loss if a locker is not locked. Students are not permitted to use other students lockers and must use only the locker assigned to them. All students are required to rent a WJPS lock for their locker. Locks are $5, payable once during a student’s time at WJPS. The cost is non-refundable because it covers maintaining the locks and lockers. 

  • Students should not bring large amounts of cash or valuables to school.  If a student needs to bring something difficult to store to school, he/she can bring it to the main office to be picked up at the end of the day. 
  • Lockers must be kept locked at all times. 
  • Lockers may not be shared, as the contents of the locker is the responsibility of the student assigned to it. 
  • Students are not permitted to place personal locks, stickers, and name tags on lockers. Nor are they allowed to write on the lockers or otherwise deface them. 
  • Damage to the lockers will result in revocation of a student’s locker. 
  • To alleviate noise in the hallways and classrooms that have lockers, students may go to their lockers only at the following times: 

▪▪  before school starts 

▪▪  before and after lunch 

▪▪  before and after PE class 

▪▪  after the last bell 

  • Gym Lockers: Students may bring their own locks to use on the small lockers in the gym locker rooms. The lock must be removed at the end of the PE period. 


All students receive free lunch. Students may also bring a bagged lunch from home. Please note that students may not order outside food or drink to be delivered to the school.


Student metrocards are distributed twice a year, September & February. If a metrocard is lost or stolen the student must inform the main office immediately. A replacement metrocard may take 7-10 business days to replace. 


Students are eligible to apply to the WJPS chapter of the National Honor Society at the beginning of their Sophomore and Junior year.  Candidates eligible for election to the chapter shall have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 90 out of 100 scale.  Eligible applicants will fill out an application which includes an essay.  Upon meeting the grade level, enrollment, and GPA standards, candidates shall then be considered based on their service, leadership, and character.  All members will be expected to attend all meetings and complete a minimum amount of service hours each school year.


Students are eligible to apply to the WJPS middle school chapter of the National Junior Honor Society during their 7th grade year.  Candidates eligible for selection must have a minimum of an 85 average in every class and a minimum overall average of 92 or above.  All applicants must have satisfactory conduct in all classes.  The application will include a 250 word essay around the pillars of the NJHS which are scholarships. leadership, service, and character.  All members will be expected to attend all meetings and complete a minimum amount of school service hours each school year.


For clarity, the term photograph as used here, encompasses both still photographs and video footage. As a journalism school, WJPS will often take photographs of students and staff for use in school publications such as the school newspaper, news broadcast, yearbook and for the purpose of promoting the school and student activities.  We strongly encourage all families to sign the standard Department of Education photo release form.


World Journalism Preparatory School enforces the New York City Department of Education’s Discipline Code, Infraction B-32: Engaging in scholastic dishonesty which includes but is not limited to: 

  1. Cheating (e.g., copying from another’s test paper; using material during a test which is not authorized by the person giving the test; collaborating with another student during the test without authorization; knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or soliciting, in whole or part, the contents of an unadministered test; substituting for another student or permitting another student to substitute for one’s self to take a test; bribing another person to obtain a test that is to be administered; or securing copies of the test or answers to the test in advance of the test.) 
  2. Plagiarizing (appropriating another’s work and using it as one’s own for credit without the required citation and attribution, e.g., copying written work from the Internet or any other source). 
  3. Colluding (engaging in fraudulent collaboration with another person in preparing written work for credit) 


8th grade is an exciting time for both students and parents. While there are many activities planned during the course of the year, the priority of WJPS is always the safety of the students. In order to ensure that the activities that are planned are safe and enjoyable for everyone, the following guidelines have been established:

Any student who has any type of suspension during their 8th grade year at World Journalism Preparatory School will forfeit their participation in 8th activities such as the 8th grade trip, the semi-formal, etc.

8th grade events are privileges and are reserved for students who are successfully on track to pass all their classes. Any student who has failed any course at the end of their first or second semester cannot participate in end of year activities. Any core classes failed, must be made up over the summer.


Seniors and their parents/guardians are required to meet all senior expectations. Failure to do so may result in forfeiture of participation in senior activities, ceremonies, and traditions. 

Caps and gowns are distributed at the end of the year for students who are on-track and eligible for graduation. Caps may be decorated, but all designs must be approved by administration. 

Class rank is determined by the GPA of a student's first six semesters at WJPS. There are certain factors that can impact student rank. Students who transfer in after 10th grade will not receive a class rank. Transfer students are also not eligible for valedictorian and salutatorian after 10th grade. Calculation of class rank, special awards, and scholarships are determined by a number of factors including number of AP courses and College Now courses and overall academic success. Students must have taken at least three AP courses and at least one College Now course to be eligible for valedictorian and salutatorian.

Eligibility for senior awards will be based on committee recommendations and student history at WJPS.


  • Students must meet lab requirements in order to take Science Regents exams 
  • Students need to arrive at least 30 minutes before a standardized exam is scheduled 
  • Students must be in uniform  
  • No cell phones or electronic devices are permitted in testing rooms – they must be stored in a student’s locker or given to the teacher who is administering the exam.  
  • Students must bring their own pens, sharpened pencils and erasers 


High school students are expected to take Regents Exams at the conclusion of a Regents course, whether or not the course is required for graduation. Students enrolled in an Advanced Placement class are also expected to take the Advanced Placement Exam for that class. AP class offerings are subject to change from year to year.  


WJPS is a college preparatory school and the road to college is a journey that begins the first time you enter the school. Administrators, teachers, staff and Mr. Lumetta and Ms. Paplow, will guide you through this journey. Each grade will have an evening “Road to College” meeting during the school year, and attendance by parents, guardians and students is mandatory. 


All schools in the Adrien Block campus practice the General Response Protocol (GRP) that provides all schools with the direction they will take when an emergency incident occurs. At its core is the use of common language to identify the initial measures all school communities will take until first responders arrive. The three types of drills we practice are: 

Evacuation/Fire: A fire alarm is the initial alert for students and staff to start an evacuation.

Students: Leave your items behind. Form a line, remain quiet and listen to directions from your teacher. 

Teachers Lead students to evacuation location and take attendance. Notify Building Response Team/School Safety Agent if there are missing, extra or injured students  

Lockdown (Soft/Hard):  A hard or soft Lockdown is announced over the PA system. A soft lockdown implies there is no imminent danger, while a hard-lockdown implies that imminent danger is known. 

Students: Remain silent and quickly move out of sight and away from the door 

Teachers: Retrieve any students from the hallway and lock the classroom door Wait for responders to open the door or await the “all clear” announcement:  

“The lockdown has been lifted.” 

Shelter-In:  When protocols determine that students and staff remain in the building, a PA announcement will be made, announcing a Shelter-In. 

Students: Remain inside the building and follow directions of staff 

Teachers: Increase situational awareness, conduct business as usual, and follow all announced directions 

Remember, no one will be permitted to enter or leave the building during a Shelter-In, until the all clear message, “The Shelter In has been lifted” is announced. 

Hold: Initiated to manage an incident or building condition which does not place the school community in danger, or when directed by First Responders. A hold does not replace a soft or hard lockdown. 

Staff, students, and visitors must remain in place when the Hold announcement is made. Individuals will conduct business as usual until the "All Clear" is announced. 

The BRT and School Safety Agents will address the issue and conduct a building sweep. 

Anyone found in restrooms, hallways, stairwells, or the lobby will be taken to a designated area until the "All Clear" announcement is made. 


The school uniform dress code at World Journalism Preparatory School is just one example of the high standards we expect from our students.  Students in this academic setting are expected to be clean and neat in their personal appearance, observing standards of modesty, moderation and good taste. The goals of the school uniform dress code are: 

  • Help students distinguish that different types of dress are appropriate for different settings. 
  • Increase pride in appearance and in WJPS. 
  • Prevent the distraction over competition of fads and expensive clothes. 
  • Provide a neat and comfortable school uniform. 
  • Decrease time spent on enforcement of a dress code in order to concentrate on the core matters of learning and teaching. 
  • Ensure the safety and security of our school. 

“Modesty in dress” at WJPS requires that students refrain from wearing such items as tight fitting and revealing clothing, and from displaying visible cleavage, visible underwear, bare midriffs, etc. Interpretation and judgment in matters pertaining to dress and personal appearance are, obviously, necessary.  In this area, Mr. Lumetta, Mr. Yarmy, Mr. Petrotta and Ms. McCloskey have the final say of what is, or is not acceptable for an individual student. 

Students must be in uniform from arrival at school until they leave the building.  They may not change out of the uniform in school bathrooms at the end of the day.  In addition to the above-mentioned administrators, all members of the faculty and staff can respond to students who violate the guidelines.  Responses include, but are not limited to: “writing up” the student, phone call to parent/guardian, requirement to check with a faculty member each morning, or detention for repeat offenses.  The responsibility of adhering to the guidelines that follow rests with students and their parents and guardians. 

Here are vendors for WJPS school uniforms items. There is a link to both companies on our website. 

Ideal Uniform Store located at 175 Rockaway Avenue, Valley Stream, NY Phone: 516-354-8255, or purchase from their website at www.idealuniform.com 

Lands’ End School Uniforms: School # 900141987 Items are available online only at www.landsend.com. Click on the link on the wjps.org website to be taken directly to the WJPS section of their website. 

DePhillips Sports,  at 33-05 Francis Lewis Boulevard, 718-445-5420, will add the WJPS logo to a shirt that you bring to them (or purchase from them).


A WJPS logo top: t-shirt, long sleeve or short sleeve white blouse/oxford shirt, long sleeve or short sleeve white, navy, black or gold polo, white or navy turtleneck, navy or black sweatshirt or navy cardigan. The WJPS logo must be visible at all times. The top may be purchased from Lands' End, Ideal Uniforms, the PTA, or you can have the logo added to your own shirt by DePhillips.

  • The zip-front sweatshirt is zipped up to just below the collarbone. All sweatshirts must have a WJPS logo.
  • It is not acceptable to pin, tie or bunch-up a top to make it tighter or to show the midriff.
  • Tops must be an appropriate length so that normal activity during the day does not expose bare midriffs.


  • Pants, shorts and skirts must be in khaki, navy or black. 
  • No jeans or denim bottoms of any kind are permitted.
  • The length of skirts and shorts should approach the knee and should not be shorter than the extended tip of the longest finger with arms hanging naturally at the side. 
  • The waistband of pants should be closer to the natural waist than the knee.  Excessively long, wide or baggy or sagging pants are not permitted.  Underwear or boxer shorts should not be visible at any time.


The following are not permitted: 

  • Flip-flops, backless shoes, slippers, heavy boots including military, steel-toed, combat, construction or cowboy boots, shoes with retractable wheels. 
  • Caps, visors, sweatbands, or sweatshirt hoods worn up are not permitted.   
  • Headwear worn for religious observance or disability-related attire is allowed; black head scarves and black do-rags are allowed.  
  • Hanging wallet/key chains or chain belts, large chains worn around the neck or wrist, chains with padlocks, and pointed-stud bands are not allowed in school.
  • Sunglasses may not be worn inside the building. 


The WJPS gym uniform consists of: 

  • WJPS logo t-shirt 
  • sweatpants or shorts 
  • lace-up sneakers  


 (Get a pass from your teacher first.) 

I lost my metrocard?  Go to the main office, room 334, before 4th period 

I lost my program? Go to the Guidance Office, room 324 

I can’t remember my locker combination?     See Mr. Myrtil in room 360

I lost something? The lost and found is in the main office, room 334 

I forgot a password (email)? Speak with your classroom teacher 

I have an absence note?  Bring it to the Main Office, Room 334

I have something for the PTA? Bring it to the Main Office, Room 334

I need to talk to someone? Reach out to your Guidance Counselor (Mr. Lumetta or Ms. Paplow)


Christopher Yarmy, Principal, IA

Daniel Petrotta, Assistant Principal

Vincent Lumetta, College Counselor, Programmer 

Kimberly Paplow, Guidance Counselor

Jennifer McCloskey, Dean

Ms. Reed, Parent Coordinator 

Mr. Myrtil, Technology Specialist 

Ms. Ente, School Aide 

Ms. Zeitner, School Aide 

Mr. Sharma, School Aide 

Mr. Solimando, Secretary

Ms. Jiang (Ms. Penny), Secretary